Saturday 30 April 2016

This Day In Blue Jays' History: April 30, 1989


         It was on this date in 1989 that the Toronto Blue Jays traded popular All-Star right-fielder Jesse Barfield to the New York Yankees for pitcher Al Leiter. Barfield, at 29 years of age, appeared to be on the downside of his career as he had only batted .244 in 1988 and was struggling at .200 a month into the 1989 season. His numbers continued to diminish and he was out of baseball by the end of 1992.
                As a 13-year old Blue Jays’ superfan, I was shocked to learn of the departure of one/third of the “best outfield in baseball.” But for my younger brother, it was an even bigger disappointment as less than two weeks earlier (on April 17th) he had received a baseball glove for his tenth birthday with a stamped “Jesse Barfield” signature in the palm of the mitt.
                As for the Leiter, the Jays received an oft-injured pitching prospect. After joining Toronto, he had shoulder surgery, then a pinched nerve, then tendinitis, then blister problems. From 1989 to 1992, he only pitched 15 2/3 innings for the club. But the Jays stuck with him and he finally produced a decent season in 1995 (9-6 win/loss, 4.33 ERA.) He thanked Toronto for not giving up on him by signing with the Florida Marlins as a free agent, a rather bush-league, ungrateful move considering the Jays could have given up on him years earlier, but didn’t.

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